What's New for October 2008:
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- WasteCap News
- WasteCap Members in the News
- Community Blood Bank Receives Award for Recycling Program
- Another Bright Idea Campaign
- WasteCap Members in the News
- Upcoming Events
- Greensburg, KS Sustainable Rebuilding to be Highlighted at WasteCap Annual Meeting and Environmental Awards
- Nebraska Safety Council Classes
- America Recycles Day
- 2nd Annual Shred Day
- Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Event
- News Across Nebraska
- Retrofit Recycling Schedule
- In the News
- Definition of Solid Waste Changed to Encourage Recycling
- Market Corner
WasteCap News
WasteCap Members in the News
If you are a WasteCap member and have been recognized in a news story, please let us know so that we may include you in this section. Contact April Hilpert-Whitney at (402) 434-7376 or [email protected].
Community Blood Bank receives Award for Recycling Program
On July 10, Keep Nebraska Beautiful recognized the Community Blood Bank's efforts to be green. Thanks to staff members who have submitted ideas and assisted in the project, the Community Blood Bank was given an Award of Excellence in the civic/non-profit category. This event honored environmental efforts across Nebraska. Based on their minimization of the impact of waste on the community, they received a framed certificate to display proudly. Each site will be receiving one soon. For more information on keeping Nebraska beautiful visit www.knb.org.
Congratulations Community Blood Bank!
Another Bright Idea Campaign
For several years, smart homeowners have chosen compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) over standard incandescent light bulbs for energy savings and long-term value. Here�s another bright idea! As those CFLs begin to burn out after years of efficient use, homeowners now have a safe way to recycle burned out bulbs.
CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing -- an average of 4 milligrams -- about the amount that would cover the tip of a ballpoint pen. By comparison, older thermometers contain about 500 milligrams of mercury: an amount equal to the mercury in 125 CFLs. Mercury is an essential part of CFLs; it allows the bulb to be an efficient light source. No mercury is released when the bulbs are intact (not broken) or in use.
Because of the mercury in the bulbs, CFLs should be properly disposed. For a limited time, additional drop-off locations have been designated where Omaha area residents can drop off old CFLs to be safely recycled at any Omaha Public Library. Since 99% of the bulb can be recycled, recycling gives homeowners a better option than disposing of CFLs in the landfill.
Find out where to drop off your expired CFL bulbs by visiting www.AnotherBrightIdea.info or call 1-888-E-Waste-9. You can also learn the benefits of CFLs and how to safely dispose of broken CFL bulbs.
The Nebraska CFL Recycling Pilot Another Bright Idea will be a three-month pilot program from September through November 2008 in Lincoln and Omaha to examine various collection methods for compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The pilot program will target households and small businesses with marketing and educational materials and the website www.AnotherBrightIdea.info. Collection sites will be at various hardware stores in Lincoln and within Omaha Public Library locations.
This limited-time program of WasteCap Nebraska is supported by funding from the Nebraska Environmental Trust and made possible with the assistance of many program partners.
Upcoming Events
Greensburg, KS Sustainable Rebuilding to be Highlighted at WasteCap's Annual Meeting and Environmental Awards
WasteCap Nebraska will hold our annual awards ceremony and luncheon at Mahoney State Park, in the Peter Kiewit Lodge on November 13th, 2008, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The program will feature keynote speaker W. Cecil Steward, professor and dean Emeritus of the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln where he served as dean for 27 years. In 1996 he founded the Joslyn Castle Institute for Sustainable Communities, with offices in Omaha and Lincoln. He currently serves as the President/CEO of the JCI. Cecil is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and a former national president of the American Institute of Architects (1991-92). At the luncheon, WasteCap will also award member businesses for their outstanding participation in waste reduction and recycling.
Steward's speech will highlight the newly rebuilt sustainable community of Greensburg, Kansas. Since the tornado in May of 2007, which wiped out 95% of homes and businesses, the Greensburg community has reconnected and begun to rebuild their city using sustainable practices. Using four key elements: sustainable development, housing, economy + business, and community facilities + infrastructure, the city has set to rebuild using green planning and design, with all public facilities meeting or exceeding the platinum standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program.
In addition to Steward's speech, US EPA Region VII representatives will recognize member businesses that have been active participants in the EPA's WasteWise program and WasteCap will recognize those businesses who have been members for 10 years. WasteCap will also present four awards to those businesses that have demonstrated their environmental excellence.
WasteCap will announce upcoming events, including Shred Day, an annual community document-shredding event, set for November 15th, as well as events for America Recycles Day, also November 15th. Also at this year's meeting will be an overview of all current projects, including the CFL Pilot Project, `Another Bright Idea'; VirtualPaint™, WasteCap Nebraska's Finishing Technologies certification program; the development of regional networking and educational events; and several educational podcasts that will become available on the WasteCap Nebraska website, www.wastecapne.org.
Cost of attendance will be $20 for WasteCap Nebraska members and $25 for non-members. Parking permits will be provided at the main gate. For more information, or to register, please contact Kari Rohren at (402) 434-7376, or by email at [email protected].
Please contact WasteCap Nebraska at (402) 434-7376, or visit www.wastecapne.org, for more program information.
Nebraska Safety Council Classes
The Nebraska Safety Council is offering the following classes:
November 5th – HazWoper 8-hour Refresher
November 12th – DOT HazMat Training
November 13th – First Aid, CPR, & AED Training
All three of these classes will be held at the Nebraska Safety Council, 4600 Valley Road, Ste 300, Lincoln NE 68510. To register, contact Kimberly Vahl at 402-483-2581 ext. 108 or [email protected]. You may also register online at www.nesafetycouncil.org.
(Discounts are available for multiple registrations.)
America Recycles Day
Information from www.lincoln.ne.gov
America Recycles Day (ARD), November 15th, 2008, is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products. Celebrating its 10th year, it has grown to include millions of Americans pledging to increase their recycling habits at home, work and school and to buy products made with recycled materials. Through America Recycles Day, the National Recycling Coalition supports local communities and raises awareness by educating citizens about the benefits of recycling.
October 1-31st | Pledge Drive Pledge on-line or go to a local retailer or recycler to make a pledge. (See locations for pledge boxes) |
November 14th: | America Recycles Day Celebration 3:00- 6:00 p.m. Westfield Gateway Shopping Center 61st & 'O' Street Educational Displays, hands-on activities for kids and Community Prize Presentations |
November 15th: | Midland Recycling Open House and Tour Household Hazardous Waste Collection |
2nd Annual Shred Day
Identity theft affects nearly 10 million people every year. Are you looking for a safe way to recycle your personal and tax documents? In conjunction with America Recycles Day, WasteCap Nebraska, along with The Lincoln Recycling Office, Midland Recycling, Recycling Enterprises, Shredding Solutions and Paper Tiger present the Second Annual Shred Day, November 15th, 2008 from 9 am until 12 noon. Following the success of last year's innaugural Shred Day, the event will allow households and businesses to shred their confidential information AND have the paper recycled.
There is no fee for the first 75 pounds, equivalent to a large banker's box. Those with more than 75 pounds should contact WasteCap at (402) 434-7376 for information on how to schedule an appointment with one of the recyclers. In-kind donations will be accepted, with proceeds supporting local recycling programs. For more information contact Kari Rohren with WasteCap Nebraska at (402) 474-7376.
Shredding Locations (all located in Lincoln)
Midland Recycling
440 J Street
Paper Tiger Shredding
Westfield� Gateway Mall
Use R Street (West) Entrance
Cotner Blvd and R Street
Recycling Enterprises
Just north of 79th and Cornhusker
6100 N. 70th
Shredding Solutions
SouthPointe Pavilions
Parking lot east of Famous Dave's�
27th & Pine Lake Road
Conditionally Exempt Small Business Quantity Generator Event
On Friday November 14th Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) will have its hazardous waste disposal for Small businesses. Conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG) businesses that generate less than 100 kilograms (27 gallons or 220 pounds) of hazardous waste per month may qualify for this voluntary program.
Contact LLCHD at (402) 441-8021 by October 31st to request a data sheet and waiver form.
News in Nerbaska
Retrofit Recycling Schedule
Retrofit Recycling will be in the area the week of November 10th. They recycle your used fluorescent lamps, ballasts, batteries, electronics - including computers and monitors, and any other mercury or chemical waste.
Deadline for reserving space October 31st. To request a pick up call 1-800-274-1309 or click on Request a Pickup and complete the request form.
In the News
Definition of Solid Waste Revised to Encourage Recycling
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Contact Information: Latisha Petteway, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(Washington, D.C. - Oct. 7, 2008) �A final rule under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) streamlines regulation of hazardous secondary materials when they are recycled by reclamation. EPA's regulation maintains strong protection of human health and the environment by limiting the streamlined requirements to specific, legitimate recycling activities.
"Removing barriers to legitimate recycling is good for business and the environment," said Susan Parker Bodine, assistant administrator for the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. "This rule will help conserve natural resources, save energy, and, reduce costs."
The rule excludes materials from the federal hazardous waste system that are:
- generated and legitimately reclaimed under the control of the generator;
- generated and transferred to another company for legitimate reclamation under specific conditions; or
- determined by EPA or an authorized state to be non-wastes on a case- by-case basis via a petition process. �
The rule also contains a provision to determine which recycling activities are legitimate under the new exclusions and non-waste determinations. These exclusions are not available for materials that are considered inherently waste-like, used in a manner constituting disposal, or burned for energy recovery.
EPA estimates that about 5,600 facilities handling approximately 1.5 million tons of hazardous secondary materials annually may be impacted by this rule. The activities most affected are metals and solvent recycling. EPA estimates that the regulation will save approximately $95 million per year for the affected industries.
Information about the Definition of Solid Waste Rule: http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/dsw/index.htm
To read this rule: http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/dsw/rulemaking.htm
Market Corner
October – Chicago Region |
Mixed Paper |
$60-65 (-20) |
Boxboard Cuttings |
$80-85 (-10) |
News |
$60-65 (-30) |
$70-75 (-10) |
$190-200 (-10) |
Sorted White Ledger |
$300-310 (-20) |
Material Abbreviations OCC: Old Corrugated Cardboard SOP: Sorted Office Paper |
Source: Official Board Markets |