Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality was created pursuant to passage of the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act in 1971. Although the Department has grown and been given additional responsibilities over the years, its ongoing mission has remained the same — the protection of Nebraska�s air, land and water resources.
Nebraska Environmental Trust
The Nebraska Environmental Trust was established in 1992 to conserve, enhance and restore the natural environments of Nebraska. It was created on the conviction that a prosperous future is dependent upon a sound natural environment, and that Nebraskans could collectively achieve real progress on real environmental issues if seed money were provided. Annual grants are funded in large part through the proceeds of the Nebraska Lottery.
Currently, the Trust will consider funding proposals in the following priority areas:
- Habitat
- Surface and Ground Water
- Waste Management
- Air Quality
- Soil Management
Nebraska Industrial Council on the Environment (NICE)
NICE was established in 1981 for the purpose of sharing environmental quality expertise with members, public entities and governmental decision-makers, and for speaking collectively on issues that impact on environmental responsibilities. Additionally, NICE provides technical expertise to organizations like the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Their purpose is to:
- provide a pool of environmental expertise for the exchange of information between member manufacturing industries, utilities and generators;
- speak collectively to the Nebraska Legislature or the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality on environmental issues before the Legislature or NDEQ;
- advise collectively the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality on issues presented by the Director of NDEQ or his department designee;
- assist each member company in environmental problems and issues by testimony or otherwise when agreed upon by majority opinion of the member organization;
- advise the public through the news media of resolutions and actions by NICE when deemed appropriate.
LES Online Energy Checkup

Lincoln Electric System�s Commercial Energy Profile is an analysis tool that provides a thorough breakdown of your company's energy use. It factors in your actual or estimated usage, weather conditions for your location, and information from your billing history. It also provides customized recommendations for reducing your energy consumption and costs.
Keep Nebraska Beautiful Nebraska Beautiful was started in 1964 by Governor Frank Morrison. In 1980 Keep Nebraska Beautiful became a statewide affiliate of Keep America Beautiful (KAB) which is a national, non-profit public education organization. There are 18 active local KAB affiliate communities in Nebraska. Keep America Beautiful affiliates are educational and community-improvement programs that address local needs including litter awareness and litter cleanups; beautification; reuse and recycling programs and neighborhood revitalization.
They began the Materials Exchange Program in Fall 1994 to help facilitate the exchange of materials from a business who no longer needed the material to a school, nonprofit organization, or another business who could put the material to good use. Participating in the program saves money and space associated with storage, disposal, and overall landfill waste.
Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD)
The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) offers a wide range of waste reduction and waste management services. The LLCHD provides free, confidential, and nonregulatory multimedia technical assistance to businesses that request it. In addition, the LLCHD has contacts with many local, state, federal, and international agencies and can help find waste reducing and cost saving alternatives to current products and practices. Call (402) 441-8040 or (402) 441-8644 for more information.
Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center objective of P2RIC is to provide Region 7 (Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas) environmental service providers, researchers and others with peer-reviewed, synthesized pollution prevention (P2) information, either directly or through referral to information source.We also want to identify, promote, and make more accessible the good information and expertise of the many P2 Providers in Region 7.
Nebraska One-Stop Recycling Recycling Economic Development Advocate (REDA) Program at the Nebraska Department of Economic Development focuses on business development, helping new businesses get started and existing businesses to expand and incorporate recycled feedstock into their processes. The REDA Program can assist businesses in developing business plans, identifying financing options, locating technical resources, and identifying opportunities for businesses to reduce disposal costs by reusing or recycling waste materials generated on-site.
WasteCap Wisconsin Wisconsin is a private, nonprofit, industry-supported 501(c)(3) organization which provides waste reduction and recycling assistance through business to business peer exchange. WasteCap assists and encourages companies to effectively drive costs out of their operations through improved solid waste management practices. We offer a variety of services that network business professionals, providing opportunities for participants to work together to create solutions.