Expanded Polystyrene
Packing peanuts and molded polystyrene are both products made of expanded polystyrene (EPS). Each is over 99.6% air, and consists of sturdy protective packaging that is used to fill in the empty space between merchandise and exterior cartons. Many businesses reuse their in-coming packaging materials to send out their products. Some businesses are unable to reuse the packaging for various reasons. For those businesses with excess peanuts, there are several companies that are purchasing peanuts at a high cost and would be happy to reuse EPS that otherwise would be headed for the landfill. It is a win-win situation for both businesses: one with reduced landfill and service fees and the other with fewer costs for new product.
Consult these resources for more information:
WasteCap Nebraska members are marked with this logo
Accepts all packing materials except molded forms
Accepts polystyrene sheets and peanuts
Accepts packing peanuts
Molded or loose