Fluids (Antifreeze, Oils, Solvents)
Fluids such as oil, antifreeze, hydraulic fluid, and solvents are essential components for several industries. Due to the toxicity and widespread use of some fluids, their disposal can present a management challenge. Finding ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle such fluids will protect the environment and can conserve operations/maintenance resources that are otherwise spent on disposal of old materials and the purchase of new materials. It is also important to include oil filters in recycling efforts because filters can be processed and made into new steel products, which in turn reduces the need for limestone in the steel-making process. Check with your local health department, the NDEQ or the service providers listed for any specific questions to ensure that you meet all applicable environmental requirements.
Consult these resources for more information:
Includes fact sheets about oil generators, transporters, collection facilities, burners, marketers, and space heaters.
Discusses importance of reducing oil pollution, recycling used oil, and includes a link to Used Oil Collections Sites in Nebraska.
WasteCap Nebraska members are marked with this logo
Only antifreeze
Liquid waste removal of all types
Waste oil, no antifreeze
Accepts used oil, contaminated water, other solid wastes. Call for details, also sells used oil.
Fleet Maintenance
Produce fuel-efficient lubricants